Stories that change the world

Welcome to Stories that Change the World. In this section we want to give a voice to all young people who have lived transformative experiences around the world. To those who have learned and helped, who have grown as people, and have developed global and ethical leadership capacities that will accompany them throughout their journey. Their stories inspire us and teach us that there is a whole generation that sees the world with positive eyes. They have a great capacity for innovation and proactivity towards the global challenges that we face as individuals and as a society on a global scale.


Big thanks to all the young people who shared their stories and made the great Pandora Community grow to Change the World.

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Elena Curulla

Adrian Cojocaru

María Sauca

Luis Ujados

María Jiménez

Beatriz Delgado

Esperanza Lario

Manuel Campos

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La Paz en un nuevo orden mundial
Blog Inglés

Peace in a new world order

It is difficult to begin an article about what is happening between Israel and Palestine, as it is so heartbreaking and brutal that words are insufficient to express the frustration and sadness of experiencing it from the outside.

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